In a heated video posted Friday, police appear to be arresting a man and taking him to the ground, while others argue with officers.
Gatineau police tweeted Saturday that the video only shows a part of the intervention, and alleged that the man hit an officer.
The individuals were recalcitrant and refused to collaborate. The individual arrested in the video had committed an assault on an officer, hitting him in the face a few times, the tweet said in French.
1/2 – Intervention du 31 déc : La vidéo ne montre quun extrait de lintervention. Les individus étaient récalcitrants et ont refusé de collaborer. Lindividu arrêté sur la vidéo avait commis un voie de fait sur un policier, le frappant au visage à quelques reprises. #Gatineau
PoliceGatineau (@PoliceGatineau) January 2, 2021