A Metropolitan police officer who faced rioters on the Capitol on Wednesday “was injured” but his injuries are not life-threatening, according to former Philadelphia Police Department Commissioner Charles Ramsey.
“He’ll be out for a while. The officer is obviously very sore,” Ramsey, who said he had spoken with Metropolitan Police Department Chief Robert Contee to get an update on the officer, told CNN. 
Video from the riots on Wednesday shows a crazed pro-Trump mob barking as they crushed the head of a law enforcement officer between doors at the US Capitol. 
The rioters pulled on the officer’s gas mask, push him, and hit him in the face.
The video was filmed by Jon Farina for the outlet Status Coup.
Ramsey noted on CNN that Metropolitan Police were not assigned to protect the door seen in the video. 
“That particular platoon came after the riot started,” Ramsey. “They did a tremendous job. They never breached that door”
—Jenn Dize 👩🏻‍💻 (@JennElizabethJ) January 9, 2021
On Wednesday, a March for Trump turned to mayhem as dozens of Trump supporters obsessed with illegally keeping the President in office for another term breached the Capitol building.
The rioters paraded around for more than four hours, stealing government property, and damaging the historic site. 
In Farina’s video, the mob chanted “heave, ho!” as they pushed through a doorway, where the officer was wedged.
A sea of rioters dressed in Trump gear was on one side of the door, with officers wearing riot gear, trying to stand their ground, on the other.
At one point, the camera flashed away from the struggling officer. When it returns, his mask is gone and he’s bloodied and screaming “help” repeatedly. Someone reached into the doorway and pulled the officer’s shield back down to protect his face. 
Talking to CNN, Farina said that the mob was unstoppable. 
“They were going to get in there regardless of what was in their way.”
“Nothing really fazed them,” he added. “They just kept rotating in and out. They would say ‘We need fresh patriots.'”
Four people, including Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick, died during the attack on the US government. 
The Chief of the Metro Police Department in DC said that 56 officers were injured.