SINGAPORE – A 14-year-old is among 334 people who are being probed by the police for scams that led to victims losing more than $9.23 million.
In a statement on Saturday (July 3), the police said 225 men and 109 women are being investigated for their suspected involvement in 872 reported scams as scammers or money mules.
This comes after a two-week islandwide operation between June 19 and Friday by officers from the Commercial Affairs Department and seven police land divisions.
The suspects are alleged to be involved in a wide range of scams, including the impersonation of business e-mails, tech support, government officials and China officials, as well as Internet love scams, e-commerce scams, investment scams, job scams, fake gambling platform scams and loan scams.
The suspects, aged between 14 and 72, are being investigated for the offences of cheating, money laundering or providing payment services without a licence.
Those found guilty of the offence of cheating under the Penal Code can be jailed for up to 10 years and fined.
Under the Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act, people convicted of money laundering can be imprisoned for a maximum of 10 years, fined $500,000 or both.
The offence of providing payment services without a licence carries a fine not exceeding $125,000, imprisonment of a term of not more than three years, or both.
Said the police: “To avoid being an accomplice to crimes, members of the public should always reject requests by others to use your bank account or mobile lines as you will be held accountable if these are linked to crimes.”
For more information on scams, people can visit this website or call the Anti-Scam Hotline on 1800-722-6688.
Anyone with information on such scams may call the police hotline on 1800-255-0000 or submit information online at this website.