Erin Molan with her daughter Eliza. Photo: Instagram
A good night’s sleep may seem like a foreign concept to most new parents, and Nine and 2DayFM presenter Erin Molan was no different when her daughter was born.
“It doesn’t matter if your baby is a good sleeper or not, depending on how you define that, you are just exhausted generally when you’re a new mum,” Molan told Essential Baby.  “Particularly if it’s your first child and you’ve never really experienced anything like it.
“I think even in the early days when your baby is sleeping, you’re generally not because you’re so paranoid about anything happening and you’re so unsure of what you’re doing. It’s really, really tough time for new mums.”
Ensuring new parents have access to the right advice and help is so important to Molan, she’s jumped on board to become an ambassador for Tresillian, Australia’s largest child and family health organisation. Molan will be leading a free, live webinar, Sleep Like A Baby, hosted by Tresillian in partnership with Curash Babycare, from 10.30am – 11.30am tomorrow (Wednesday, 23rd June). 
“I never used Tresillian which is why I was so keen to jump on board,” Molan admitted.  “Now spread the word to everyone and anyone.
“We had our own issues with Eliza, my three-year-old daughter, and we had a lovely lady who came and helped us. But to have somewhere where we could have gone and taken her with us, that would changed our lives and made such a big difference.”
Tresillian has created a dedicated Parent’s Help Line, where nurses provide over-the-phone practical advice and support. The nurses can help with advice about getting a baby to sleep, understanding a baby’s cues and communication, sleep needs and behaviour. They are also trained to encourage a parent’s self-care and emotional wellbeing.
To provide some extra support, Tresillian, along with baby-care brand Curash are holding a free virtual seminar online on Facebook, designed to help parents with concerns about their baby and will tackle topics focused on babies’ sleep, settling and daily routine.
“For a lot of people, they don’t have family support or friends that they can turn to, you know you kind of take it for granted but for a lot of people that’s support network just doesn’t exist,” Molan said.  “To have somewhere that they can go like Tresillian that opens its arms up to anyone and everyone for online, the app, or in person is just a really phenomenal.
“Everyone’s going through the same thing, it always helps me to think or know that other people are going through the same thing, it makes you feel less alone. I  think that’s a great part of this initiative.”
The Sleep Like A Baby webinar will be an opportunity for parents to tune in and get practical tips, and ask Tresillian nurse Judy Tripodis questions. Parents can register for the event at the link here: